Programs and Initiatives

It’s all about relationships

Programs and Initiatives

Safe spaces to inspire, equip and connect individuals, communities and organisations to promote trust building, ethical leadership, and sustainable living.


Our programs run on a regular cycle each year - click through to see what’s coming up, or go straight to events.

In 2020, Australians Sharing a New Story and Sprout Community are going into a research phase, pending further development. 

You can stay in touch with us and learn of new opportunities by signing up for news and alerts here. We'll let you know when there are opportunities to participate, and you'll also receive our electronic newsletter, Newsbriefs, once every two months.

Where needed, IofC Australia sometimes provides part-funding to enable participants to travel to events and undertake community projects

Life Matters 

offers residential weekends, workshops and gatherings towards discerning life direction and purpose.

Creators of Peace

brings the concept of peace into our daily lives, to reflect on its role in creating the relationships that enable us to thrive. The program offers space for people from diverse backgrounds to meet in Peace Circles and other practice groups.

Australians Sharing a New Story

partners with local communities to share and appreciate our rich and varied histories, and articulate new stories for ourselves and our communities.



We believe that everyone has a part to play in building a just, peaceful and sustainable world, based on relationships of trust and integrity. The initiatives that we list here are current efforts or projects that our national team is supporting with partners who have approached us with a specific need. Some of this work is helping individuals to develop their own ‘initiatives of change.’

Contact us if you'd like to pitch us an idea for a joint initiative, or if you'd like some help developing your own. We're listening!

First Nations initiatives

are working for reconciliation between Aboriginal and other Australians.

Peace and Leadership Training

equips tertiary students in peacebuilding and culturally-intelligent leadership. 

Regional trustbuilding exchanges 

take place with international and Asia-Pacific partners to heal conflicts, fight corruption, and build sustainable communities. 


Latest News

Displaying 223 - 228 of 249

Leading British Imam, Dr Abduljalil Sajid, and his wife Jamila have been visiting Australia as guests of Initiatives of Change on a mission to supp


Australian Federal Treasurer Peter Costello and his wife Tanya were among the 200 guests at a dinner to celebrate the 50th anniversary of the gift


The Fijian Cabinet has approved the hosting of the Initiatives of Change International Peace Conference in Suva in November 2006.


Under the headline “Extremism 'alien' to Islam” the Jakarta Post reported on the speech of leading British Imam, Abduljalil Sajid, to the


The Australian Federal Minister for Health and Ageing, Tony Abbott, and the Mufti of Australia, Sheikh Hilaly, shared the platform at a public foru